DELTA-CAD Sp. z o.o. implements projects co-financed from European Funds.

DELTA-CAD SP. Z O.O. implements a project co-financed from European Funds and entitled “To increase the competitiveness of DELTA-CAD Sp. z o.o. by implementing an innovative technology of making polyamide profiling tools.”
Project No.: POPW.01.03.01-IP.01-00-001/19
The Operational Program Eastern Poland for 2014-2020
- Priority axis I: Entrepreneurial Eastern Poland
- Action: 1.3 Support for supra-regional cooperation ties
- Subaction: 1.3.1 Innovation introduction by SMEs.
- PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION PERIOD: 2019.09.01-2021.06.30.
- AMOUNT OF FUNDING: 3,080,000.00 PLN
The aim of the project is to implement the result of R&D of the developed innovative technology for making polyamide profiling tools.
The activities planned in the project will be focused on creating innovative products or developing innovative technological processes, in particular, by implementing (own or acquired) R&D results. As part of the project, the beneficiary will be able to use co-financing for individual stages of the investment process aimed at implementing an innovative product or a technological process.
The direct effect of the project implementation will be the support of the applicant in the implementation of the results of R&D, focused on the innovative technology for making polyamide profiling tools.
DDELTA-CAD SP. Z O.O. with the place of business at 59 Gen. Leopolda Okulickiego Street, 38-500 Sanok, Poland, received support for the project nr POPW.01.02.00-18-0021/21 entitled “Internationalization of DELTA-CAD Sp. z o.o. in foreign markets through the implementation of the new business model” covered by the co-financing agreement No. POPW.01.02.00-18-0021/21-00 under the Operational Program Eastern Poland for 2014-2020, Priority axis I: Entrepreneurial Eastern Poland, Action 1.2 Supporting the internationalization of SMEs.
The aim of the project is to increase the business activity of Delta-CAD Sp. z o.o. in international markets and establish new business contacts.
The project effects will be:
- acquiring knowledge about the specifics of the target market,
- establishing partnerships and searching for partners in the market,
- establishing business and sales contacts through participation in missions/fairs,
- preparing tools for communicating with the market, such as promotional materials.
Project value is 715,835.40 PLN
Grant value is 491,946.00 PLN