High precision of details

SLA/LFS is an innovative 3D printing technology consisting in curing photopolymer resins layer by layer, using a laser beam. The use of modern optical units and a flexible resin cuvette allows for high printing accuracy with reproducing the smallest details.

Main advantages

  • Wide range of materials (both flexible and rigid)
  • High versatility
  • Possibility to reproduce small details and advanced shapes
  • High dimensional accuracy
  • High quality of products manufactured


  • Elements of electronic appliances
  • Prototype models
  • Structural components
  • Prosthetics
  • Accurate casting patterns


drukarka 3D - 3D printer - 3D tlačiareň


Laser precision even for advanced shapes

Formlabs Form 3 printer uses LFS technology, allowing to obtain the best results in printing with photopolymer resins. High-precision 3D printing combined with increased printing speed and reliability. The reduced laser spot ensures high accuracy in reproducing details.

obiekty wykonane w technologii druku 3D - objects made in 3D printing technology - predmety vyrobené technológiou 3D tlače
Skomplikowany obiekt wydrukowany w technologii 3D - A complicated object printed in 3D technology - Zložitý objekt vytlačený 3D technológiou

Need a 3D print?

Find out more about our technologies and services offered. Contact us – let’s talk about your project!